Saturday 15 October 2016

What is ABM all About?

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ABM has a three specializations. These are Accounting, Business and Management

What do those words mean?
  • Accounting is the measurement processing, and communication of financial information about economical entities. In other words, there is math here. But don't worry, you will only be using the four basic operations! No Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, or any other math subject you can think of.
Next we have Business
  • Business is an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. This is one of the most popular courses. You will able to learn how to run your own business and communicate with different types of people.
Last but not the least , we have management
  • Management is the coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives. Your leadership skills are being developed in this specific area. You will also be practicing your communication skills here.

And ABM , can help you to in times of manage , develop your skills , practicing communication , and deliver / share it to your classmates to know what is the ABM all about 

This is only a short description , I hope that you realize and understand the ABM. 

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